Industry News

Beyond Videos: TikTok Experiments With Text Posts

TikTok Introduces Text Posts: Enhancing Creator Content with Music, Stickers, and Tags.

5 Reasons Why Snapchat Could Be The Missing Piece Of Your Marketing Puzzle

Unlocking Snapchat’s Marketing Potential for Younger Audiences, Localisation, AR, Snapcodes, and Competitive Advantage

Nomination For “Best Influencer Marketing Platform 2023”

We are thrilled to announce our nomination for “Best Influencer Marketing Platform 2023” by Influencer Marketing Awards.

Launching Threads: Instagram’s New Text-Based App

Meta’s newly launched Threads allows Instagram users to share short posts with likes, shares, comments, and up to 5-minute multimedia.

Meet The New AI Chatbots On Social Media

AI chatbots are here to drive more engagement and deliver relatable content.

More Collaborators On Instagram Posts

Instagram influencers can now collaborate with up to three others on a post or Reel.

Instagram’s New “Shared Story” Feature

Instagram is testing ‘shared stories,’ letting influencers invite followers to co-create with content approval.

Host Guests On Instagram’s Broadcast Channels

Instagram is testing allowing creators to host guests on the broadcast channel.

No More YouTube Stories

YouTube is phasing out stories and embracing shorts & community posts.

3 Tips To Prep For Summer And Back-To-School Season

3 valuable tips to help you prepare effectively for summer and back-to-school season campaigns.

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