Industry News

30-Minute Videos Make Their Way To TikTok

TikTok tests 30-minute videos, empowering influencers with diverse content while creators cross-promote YouTube for wider reach.

TikTok Tests New Collaborative Features

TikTok tests collaborative feature, fostering engagement through user-generated content and interactions.

Create Stories With Friends On Instagram

Instagram’s latest feature allows creators to share stories for approval and reposting, empowering brands with user-generated content.

Comment On Instagram Stories Publicly

Instagram’s “Hype” Stories feature enables visible comments, boosting direct engagement. Brands can leverage this for interactive competitions, votes, or questions with influencers.

TikTok Launches “Fan Spotlight”

TikTok’s ‘Fan Spotlight’ highlights fan videos, fostering brand community and influencer collaboration for impactful campaigns.

From 24 Hours To 7 Days

Instagram’s new “My Week” feature extends story visibility to 7 days, offering brands a golden opportunity for longer-lasting impact and maximized content exposure.

Unleash The Power Of AI-Driven Influencer Marketing

Discover how AI transforms social media influencer collaborations in our feature on Arabnet

TikTok Takes Their Videos Out-of-phone

TikTok’s “Out Of Phone” ads expand brand reach from the app to billboards, stores, and cinemas.

How To Drive Audience Engagement Using Instagram’s New Story Stickers

Drive engagement on Instagram using Instagram’s new Story stickers: Secret Sticker, App Sticker, and Music Pick Sticker.

Latest Updates On KSA Influencer Legislations

Saudi’s media regulations bar children from branded content on social media for KSA influencers holding licenses like “Mawthooq.”

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