Industry News

Reels Are Making Their Way To Facebook

Facebook Reels allow users to create and share Reels directly within Facebook News Feed.

Two Content Creators, One Instagram ‘Collab’ Video

Instagram’s new ‘collab’ feature allows influencers to partner with others and post collaborative content.

The 13th edition of the Ripplr Report

Welcome to the 13th edition of the Ripplr Report.
Your monthly newsletter on influencers, social media and
wider industry trends.

TikTok: Power To The Music

TikTok’s latest study revealed that users are more receptive to brands that use sound in their content.

Clubhouse Opens Its Doors To Everyone

Clubhouse abandoned their invite-only format and is now available for all users to download.

TikTok Stories Are Coming

TikTok Stories will soon be available across the app and will remain for 24 hours.

Instagram: Swipe-Up Or Link Sticker?

Instagram tests new clickable link stickers instead of the swipe-up stickers.

YouTube Launches ‘Shorts’ In MENA

YouTube Shorts, the new 60-second short-form videos, are now available in MENA.

From The Heart Of Instagram

Understand how Instagram algorithms work.

Start It With A Tweet, End It With A Story

Users can now share their tweet directly on Instagram stories with one click.

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